Saturday, May 24, 2008
I have an idea!!!
Kevin has been talking for a long time about building a new shop out back, (for what?), maybe I just don't listen or something, but when I came home on thursday Andy was just pulling in with a whatdayacallit....trackhoe and then there was some digging and smashing and then a little something another to do with a hidden water line and then there was some mud and more crashing sounds and anywho......... I guess we are getting a shop!!! yahoo!!! finally!!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now. Oh yeah, happy birthday Kevin. notice the size of the trenches and think about this....Cole can actually jump across them, without falling in!! and more that just one time. Kory is thinking about filling them up with water and having a moat, I am not sure that is such a good plan, I think that whoever comes to put in concrete or something might get irritated. Maybe I need to work a little less and try to spend more time with Kevin, maybe this is just a cry for help..... Attention Jess: note the pool in the foreground. The pile of rubble is what remains of the old tack/goat shed, ah yes I bet Misty remembers many happy hours of being locked in there with Otis the goat on the other side of the door, giving a little tappity tap tap with his horns just to keep things interesting. I am a bit concerned because the trackhoe is still here...........

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What a mess! Well, it's just like Kevin to do something like this on a whim, without any warning! I already see the same thing starting in Kolby. I just hope he doesn't make a bunch of holes in the walls and floor and invent his own method for heating/cooling our house! Well, It's looking like we are going to be heading home around June 8th and I think we're going to just try and drive straight through, but we'll see. We don't have any money to do anything on the way so we might as well just get our asses there so we can sponge off of everyone :) We're so glad you guys loved your presents! June really put a lot of thought into them, she chose them all! Today she gave the scripture in primary - she's really getting so big! And here's some big news: I'm trying out for american idol this year. I probably won't make it too far, but I'll kick myself if I never try so I'm doing it. We really need to just call each other. We've got a lot to talk about!
Mom, you're going to make everyone jealous of Cole's sweet jumping skills. You forgot to mention that he was only able to jump so far because Caulder was giving him He-Man power. With He-Man, all things are possible.
Tell Caulder to send some of his he-man powers our way! Then maybe we could jump our asses home in less than 17 hours of agony in the car! I'm going to have to drug the girls - I can't make that drive again! He-man, HELP!!!
Andy said he knew that picture would haunt him someday!
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