Friday, December 4, 2009

Catching Up on Life

Waddup peeps. I have a confession - my wonderful, amazing, fabulous, and favorite daughter Misty went through all the trouble of adding a million pictures to my blog for me. She is truly the light of my life and the only reason I get out of bed in the morning. I could sing her praises endlessly, but I know how humble she is so I don't want to embarrass her. Bless her.

But because I am a worthless and underserving blogger I never added any text to the pictures, and so they sat in my account, lonely and unpublished, just waiting for me to do something. My shame for this burns like a thousand fiery suns. In an attempt to redeem myself and make it up to Misty, also known as She Who Makes Life Worthwhile, I am now writing and publishing this post all by myself. No, Misty did not hack into my account when she was really bored one day while her boys played XBox and filled her front room with farts to do it for me. This is me, Julie, in the flesh. Or at least in the Internet.

Here's a snapshot of Johnson life from the past 6 months. Let's start with my anniversary. The Babe and I went here first:

Then we went on a bike ride up the Provo River Parkway. The scenery was beautiful.

We were going to finish our date with dinner, but The Babe had a stroke trying to keep up with me on our bike ride, so we finished the day off with him feeling sick and me making fun of him all the way home. I don't know what that thing is on his face in the pic below. Maybe an oxygen mask, or a dead rodent...

The girls on our trip to St. George to see Thriller in October. Which one is the most photogenic? It's so hard to say (and now you can see why we didn't post more pictures from this trip)...

Caulder as Indiana Jones for Halloween:

Tukker had to stay home and snuggle Grandpa Babe because he was too sick for trick or treating.

In November Misty, Caulder and I went to Oklahoma to visit Kolby's family. He's a third-year med student there, and he's doing really well. I hereby command that when he's a rich and famous doctor he has to support his fabulous (though much less intelligent) sister Misty and take her and her family on exotic vacations around the globe. So let it be written, so let it be done.

The girlies, jamming out in the living room:

Caulder playing at the park:

Miss Jessica:

Sweet Winnie:
Junie being mocked by her dad after a serious playground injury:

Winnie showing off her amazing bowling skills: Misty, who will soon be the next Internet model sensation after this picture. I would have tried to figure out how to flip it, but seeing it upright might have been too much awesomeness for all of you to handle:3/4 of my grandkids (Tukk had to stay home because his mom is a germaphobe freak). Clearly the cutest grandkids on the planet:


Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

It's a good thing Misty took pity on this poor blog! I'm still bummed I missed the girls' trip.

Colby and Malea said...

You guys have been busy. Looks like lots of fun. Its a good thing you have Misty around to keep your blog up to date :)